Kanye West vota per se stesso negli Stati Uniti: “Mi fido di me”

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Kanye West, rapper e marito di Kim Kardashian, si è candidato alle elezioni presidenziali e mostra su Twitter il voto indirizzato a se stesso. Sempre sui social ammette quindi: “Ho votato per qualcuno di cui mi fido veramente, me stesso. È la prima volta alle urne nella mia vita“.

Kanye West: una candidatura contestatissima

La sua candidatura ha fortemente diviso l’opinione pubblica. Per quanto i voti raccolti da Kanye West siano decisamente pochi, anche diverse personalità negli Stati Uniti lo hanno infatti criticato. Noto l’intervento su Instagram di Jennifer Aniston, che l’ha accusato di turbare il testa a testa tra Donald Trump e Joe Biden (da lei sostenuto).


Visualizza questo post su Instagram


#IVOTED for @joebiden and @kamalaharris. I dropped my ballot off, and I did it early 👏🏼 I voted for them because right now this country is more divided than ever. Right now, a few men in power are deciding what women can and can’t do with their own bodies. Our current President has decided that racism is a non-issue. He has repeatedly and publicly ignored science… too many people have died. ⠀ I urge you to really consider who is going to be most affected by this election if we stay on the track we’re on right now… your daughters, the LGBTQ+ community, our Black brothers and sisters, the elderly with health conditions, and your future kids and grandkids (who will be tasked with saving a planet that our leadership refuses to believe is hurting). ⠀ ⠀ This whole thing isn’t about one candidate or one single issue, it’s about the future of this country and of the world. Vote for equal human rights, for love, and for decency. ⠀ ❤️🗳⠀ ⠀ ⠀ PS – It’s not funny to vote for Kanye. I don’t know how else to say it. Please be responsible 🙏🏼

Un post condiviso da Jennifer Aniston (@jenniferaniston) in data:

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